Sunday, 24 April 2011

Down Down Down


(Sorry the sound is crap, I was sitting on my microphone.. Obvs)

Monday, 7 March 2011

The Warning

(1. MAC concealer + powder 2. My new Burberry glasses (AHH) 3. My new Topshop 'pac-a-parka' 4. My new Arctic Monkeys poster (on the right) 

I loved buying this poster, I felt like suck a 90's kid! (Which technically I am)
just watching CSI: Miami, good times. Tuesday tomorrow, Tuesday suxx!!

TITLE: Slim Shady- The Warning (Yes that's right, 'WILL THE REAL SLIM SHADY PLEASE STAND UP?')

Sunday, 6 March 2011

There Will Be Trouble When The Kids Come Out

Hey look its my first post on my new feature! It's tres lame but I feel slightly proud, doing this instead of being stuck into a good ole bit of CSI Suday (don't judge me) so here it goes!

Shirt- H&M
Velvet skirt (worn as top)- Primark
black peep toe wedge shoe boots- New Look
Leopard print crop cardi- Miss Selfridge
High waisted black chinos- Primark
Woollen socks- New Look
I was really unsure of this outfit this morning but its slightly grown on me during the day. I originally bought these trousers for when I do work experience at Zara in May, but I've ended up wearing them to school and at the weekends already because they are such a perfect fit (which is unusual for me in trousers as I'm only 5"2 and they're always to long).

I went into the city yesterday and bought some new things, but I'm going to post about my latest purchases tomorrow (I think) and today I went to Pizza Hut and did a ton of homework also did some prep for my chemistry IAA that I have next week! AHHHH (Boring, soz)

Also I got glasses this week! I was really surprised that I needed them as I've never had any problems before (apart from that one time when I was desperate for some specs so faked an eye test, unfortunately I was like 8 and had very little intelligence on how to convince the optician i was practically blind, I failed and came out empty handed, sad timezz). Anyways, much to my mums annoyance I chose a Burberry pair (mwahhaha)! I'm so proud of them!

I'm now watching the teen drama thing that was on e4 called Glory Daze, ITS THE CRINGEYEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!

1. These amazing boots!
2. These amazing brogues!
3. These amazing loafers!

TITLE: Take That- Kids  Kidz (don't judge me)

Friday, 4 March 2011

Raah, Raah, Like A Dungeon Dragon

Hey, just a really quick non fashion, music, make up, whatever makes me laugh related post as I've had a (from my point of view) fairly stressful day. EXAMS EXAMS EXAMS!
I just really wanted to talk about some things I've been thinking about over the last few days.
001. Features- 
I've decided to do two weekly features on here:
 Every Thursday ill be doing a post on something that I've really been into that particular week, it could be about anything from either clothing or cosmetics, brands I like at the moment or a particular band or artist.. I think you get my drift. So yeah, you can find out about things you might not have heard about before! (I've already started this see the post here)

(Still not totally decided on how many 'ee's in week I'm going to have yet)
So basically this feature is just going to be something that almost every other blogger has done before, things such as 'what's in my bag', 'OOTD', 'week in photos 'and so on (I kind of guessed this would take very little effort or creativity on my part, and if you have any suggestions please state in the comments!). It will be once a week on a Sunday.. I think!

Totzz sorry if this was long and boring, or just doesn't make any sense as I typed this while watching CSI and learning the lyrics to Nicki Minaj- Romans Revenge during the ad breaks (CRAZY LIFE ALERT), so yeah.


Thursday, 3 March 2011

When You First Left Me I Was Wanting More, But You Was F*cking That Girl Next Door. What You Do That For?

Henry Holland, fashion designer of his label HOUSE OF HOLLAND and H! by Henry Holland. Only 27 years old and one of the hottest up and coming designers, holding the flag for Britten. Famous for his bold slogan tee's in which is how he started his career in fashion design (as he was originally a fashion journalist) using phrases like, "Get your freak on, Giles Deacon", "Flick yer bean for Agyness Deyn", "Do me daily Christopher Bailey" and "Give us a blow Daisy Lowe" on his t shirts then going on to acronyms like "C.T.F.O", "K.M.T", "W.A.Y.S.B" and "N.A.G.O" (Chill the f**k out, kiss my teeth, what are you saying babes and not alot going on) in his autumn/winter 2010 collection.
(Do you like it when I pretend I know all about fashion?)

And I'm so in love with his autumn/winter 2011 collection here's some pictures BBZ!

(Picture number 1 is defiantly mu favourite outfit, I want the top saying "HAWT COUTURE" so bad!)
Heres some links to some blogs that you might like if your into the whole 'House Of Holland/Henry Holland' thing!
Henry's vogue blog
Henry's T-shirt blog type thing
Henry's company blog type thing
Henry's twitter

TITLE: Lily Allen- smile

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Wont Let The City Destroy Our Love

This post could be deemed 'bad taste'
But lets get past that and see the funny side!

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Bow, Bow, Bow To Me Drop To Your Knee's

if it wasnt for my teacher (yes, that right 'my teacher') I wouldn't have never have even known who he is.
  Patrick Wolf is a 27 year old singer-songwriter from south London who doesn't seem to stick to one genre.. which of course if good. Unless your an X factor judge, then I wouldn't say no.
 I thought id give him a cheeky google and
 listen to a few of his songs, then radio 1 started playing his new single! As soon as I heard his name my ears picked up! I'm so in love with his this song. After an excessive bit of googleing, it seems he's calmed down on  the eccentric front, which i think is a bit of a shame but looking at this years NME press shots he seems to have spent mose of the time laying on the floor.

PS. This post may be lacking a bit, I've been trying to do anything to put of revising all day, which is bad as I have exams on.. Thursday? Whatever, its the holidays. I don't even know what the day is today.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

I'm Beautiful In My Own Way, Because God Makes No Mistakes

TRES, TRES exited for summer! (God that's such a cliché)
Just thought id show you a few of my favourite shoes, ready for my favourite time of the year.
I know this is totzz boring, but I feel like I've just spent the entire week at school revising. Bad times!

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Music Awards: Ep. 1

I have nothing to say.
Apart from i lost quite a few followers on twitter and truly pissed off everyone on Facebook.
But it was totzz worth it!
i loved every second of the 2 hours, or in my case 7 and a half hours of the coverage.

Ellie Goulding
In my opinion best dressed, really glamorous in this Vivian Westwood dress but then a really chic twist with the pale pink hair.

Im in love with this quirky dress Rihanna was sporting. All jokes aside though, how many different dresses was she seen in during the night?

Jessie J
Bringing it home for the Brits ay? Cant say I really liked this dress when I first saw her wearing it but funnily enough its really grown on me over night and now looking back at the press photos. I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!

Fearne Cotton
Fearne always looks effortlessly chic, but I don't think I was really feeling this outfit, I mean its ok, just not really anything special. None the less, she still looks very pretty!

Tinie Tempah
Tinie was looking pretty classy in this B&W suit number. I LOVE IT!

Monday, 14 February 2011

Im About To Lose My Mind, You've Been Gone For So Long, I'm Running Out Of Time. I Need A Doctor.

Amazing. Beautiful. My god!
James Blake, an electronic and dubstep composer, but its the minimalism that makes his music so dangerously beautiful. He's only 21 but has already made a name for him self especially on BBC radio 1 where he won runner up behind good old number one Jessie J on the sound of 2011 poll a couple of moths ago.
James Blake's first single 'Limit To Your Love' almost brought me to tears.
And now this one 'The Wilhelm Scream' in which my best friend called boring.. WTH?!?!

Sunday, 13 February 2011

(I saved these images ages ago and I cant remember where I got them from, sorry! But if there yours, tell me and I can credit you)
Unknown model, Lady Gaga, Sky Ferreira 

Modestep are a dubstep project band from London. They only formed last year but have been DJing and producing before hand. They released there début single "feel good" on Feb 7th 2011.
I'm completely in love with this song, I've been smashing the replay button on my laptop this weekend!! They haven't let me down on there music video either, as I always say "the video is just as important as the song" I think its great!!!
Now I'm just going to catch up on Gossip Girl. YAYAYYAY
TITLE: Chromeo feat. Elly Jackson - Hot Mess 

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Shout out to my haters, sorry that you couldn't phase me

This week The Strokes and Lady Gaga both released there long awaited new singles. They maybe in totally different league's but both amazingly iconic. Admittedly Lady Gaga- Born This Way is very cheesy and in Elton Johns words "The gayest song I've ever heard", but then again its made a record for the most selling single on itunes ever! Score. 

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Cause I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it. Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it

During Acle High School ICT lessons, we rarely have much enthusiasm in the 'data analysis' department. Instead we GOOGLE things like 'talking potato' or 'fat baby'.
The newest one has been 'big fish' and when we found this one with a man looking identical to our PE teacher, it gave us a whole hours amusement. Then good friend Ruby and myself took it upon us, on behalf of our set to email it to him, now thinking about it, it was a pretty stupid idea, especially as it was literally the period before I'd sung him the chorus to Wretch 32- Traktor . But it was worth it for the laughs!!

TITLE: Rihanna- S&M

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Face Looks Jaded, Clothes Look Faded

Ive spent the last week working on my media project, making storyboards,  and audio scripts for my music video that im finally shooting next Tuesday!!!!!
So I though that id show you a few things I'm craving at the moment, ready for summer:
1. MAC Lipstick- Pink Friday (Nicki Minaj) 2. MAC Blush 3. MAC Viva Glam Gaga (new one) 4. O.P.I- Do you lilac it? 5. Lamcome- le contour pro precision and long lasting lip contor- 111 rouge ebene 6. Chanel sculpting mascara extreme length 7. O.P.I- Blew my mind 
TITLE: Skream ft. Ezample- Shot Yourself In The Foot Again

Monday, 7 February 2011

Businessmen Drink My Blood, Like The Kids In Art School Said They Would

I said, who's that girl there?
I wonder what went wrong
So that she had to roam the streets
She doesn't do major credit cards
I doubt she does receipts
It's all not quite legitimate

And what a scummy man
Just give him half a chance
I bet he'll rob you if he can
Can see it in his eyes, yeah
That he's got a driving ban
Amongst some other offences

Pretty vintage, but still amazing! How good are these lyrics!
ive been listening to this song to this song all week over and over, the Arctic Monkeys first album is defiantly their best.
TITLE: Arcade Fire- Ready To Start

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Ok, first things, first ill eat your brains. Then 'imma start rocking gold teeth and fangs

(Or previously 'Flying of fear')
White Lies seem to have been on  the 'up and coming' list for a few years now but never really had much of a break, but in my opinion its hear, with there new album Ritual (released 17th Jan) and there first single of the album Bigger Than Us.
I have to admit, I am absolutely IN LOVE with this song! I also think that the video to it really makes it so more interesting, in fact I think that the video is just as important as the song (well... Kind off)! It took me ages to work out what it was all about but it seems everyone had different opinions. How do you see it?

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Punching In A Dream Breathing Life Into A Nightmare

I sh*t you not right, trying to decided what picture to use of Nicki Minaj is SO stressful! There's just so many, I want to post all of them!
Okay so the point of that post is about my love for Nicki Minaj, she's tipped to be one of the biggest female MC's yet, and I'm not going to lie.. I have to agree! She's been doing so many collaborations lately while we were in anticipation for her début album Pink Friday. (Which I now have, and its Ahhhmazing!)
Here are a few songs Minaj has featured in over the last few months:
(From ages ago)
Young Money- Bed Rock
 We've all heard it, but it was really the first time we all saw Nicki and her part in this song just really caught me. I loved it!
(Another one, that been played to death)
I'm not really a big fan of Jay Sean but I love the Nicki part.. Obvs!
(sorry for the bad quality)
I only heard this song a few days ago but I am truly and utterly.. Obsessed! 
I love the Nicki Minaj bit so much and the way that she changes her voice. Quality, quality girl.
PS. I probably did spend all last night learning the lyrics, and I think that its safe to say.. Mother wasn't ecstatic about that considering the volume.
I have nothing to say apart from, only Nick Minaj could pull this off.....
I love Roman!!!!
I've been waiting so long to see the video for this, and you know.. It's lived up to its expectation! 
The start probably doesn't make much sense to people that don't really know of Minaj, but if you read her wikipedia page and watch a few of her interviews on YouTube it will make more sense.
I so recommend finding more about Nicki Minaj if you don't really know about her that much because she is a really interesting person, and have you seen her hair?!?!?!?! 

Friday, 4 February 2011

Let's Hang The Landlord

(All Topshop, I'm small minded.. Forgive me?)
Considering Im some one with a very limited colour pallet clothes wise, I really love blue for the coming spring. I've always stuck to autumn colours like browns, tan, burnt orange and dark reds which is quite good to be honest because all my clothes match for that reason, so for me, this blue colour feels really refreshing!
PS. OMGZZZ today's title actually has a meaning! Its the song name band The King Blues, its a pretty good, check it out!